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AgExpert Field Ideas

Pinned ideas

PINNED Analytics on Field Mobile Dashboard
What would you like to see added to a Field Mobile Dashboard? Some ideas that come to mind: Seeding and Harvest Progress Total Inventory by Crop Cost per acre average Planned Activities Like any ideas you see or have your own? Comment below!

AgExpert Field - Mobile

Showing 19

Under Field - Mobile. - make it so you can resort activities to have most recent on top.

I think it would be great if you could have the option to poplulate activities by most recent on top of the list, by clicking the activity button or a button beside it even. Currently the oldest are on top of activity list.
almost 4 years ago in AgExpert Field - Mobile 0

Ability to attach load against grain contract

When hauling grain, it would be nice to be able to attach the load against contract document in the application.
over 1 year ago in AgExpert Field - Mobile 0 Already exists

More details on list screens

For example, I have a list of equipment maintenance and I'd like a glance to see when I last did an oil change or greased it. Right now the list of maintenance doesn't give me any insights and I have to open each maintenance record to view details...
over 3 years ago in AgExpert Field - Mobile 0 Planned

Ability to enter weather details to multiple fields/activities at once

Request from a customer:"Hi, I was just wondering if there is a way to add a weather event such as rain to some or all fields at once? or is the only way still all individual inputs. Thanks "
over 2 years ago in AgExpert Field - Mobile 1 Already exists

Add more ( $/unit ) to Equipment

Please add more units to Equipment, as of now we only got (ac,ha and hr) we need $/Bushel and $/Field added for now like in FM Pro
about 3 years ago in AgExpert Field - Mobile 0 Planned

Add attachment option to EQUIPMENT screen

A client expressed great desire for this feature as it would allow them to take before and after pictures of the work done on a piece of equipment on the mobile app. Presently this can only be done on the desktop.
over 3 years ago in AgExpert Field - Mobile 0

Add rebate/discount options in Costs

A customer would like to see an option to enter a negative cost per acre, or a way to account gov discounts on crop insurance.
over 3 years ago in AgExpert Field - Mobile 0

Let me add a Crop Year on Mobile

Given that I only use Field on Mobile, I'd like the ability to add crop years without logging into the system.
over 3 years ago in AgExpert Field - Mobile 0

Page Sommaire pour l’accueil version mobile

Bonjour. Je trouverai utile pour la version mobile d’avoir une page d’accueil qui fait un sommaire rapide des superficies planter, contact à venir, etc. Je comprends que la version mobile excellente pour la prise de données au champs mais je pense...
over 5 years ago in AgExpert Field - Mobile 0 Planned