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AgExpert Field Ideas

Pinned ideas

PINNED Analytics on Field Dashboard
What else would you like to see on the Ag Expert Field Dashboard page? The page currently features Inventory and Contracts panels. Let us know if you would like to see any additional relevant information on the dashboard by leaving a comment below...
PINNED Analytics on Field Mobile Dashboard
What would you like to see added to a Field Mobile Dashboard? Some ideas that come to mind: Seeding and Harvest Progress Total Inventory by Crop Cost per acre average Planned Activities Like any ideas you see or have your own? Comment below!

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Showing 228

Partner Connect more Info to Transfer over

When importing with Partner Connect it would be helpful if the (Equipment) and (Assigned to) would also transfer in.
over 3 years ago in AgExpert Field - Web 0 Planned

Add rebate/discount options in Costs

A customer would like to see an option to enter a negative cost per acre, or a way to account gov discounts on crop insurance.
over 3 years ago in AgExpert Field - Mobile 0

Navigation pane should be docked with a scrollbar

I am witnessing many users who prefer to use the web-app with a zoom setting at 100% or higher, and when this happens it blocks/hides some options on the left hand side navigation pane. Instead of forcing users to zoom out in order for them to see...
over 3 years ago in AgExpert Field - Web 0 Planned

Show PCP# beside input name during spray application

A customer wanted to suggest that when entering a spray activity, when you select the input that the pcp# name be shown. They train they staff to sort and apply chemicals by pcp#, so this would save them the time from having to double check every ...
over 3 years ago in AgExpert Field - Web 0

Let me add a Crop Year on Mobile

Given that I only use Field on Mobile, I'd like the ability to add crop years without logging into the system.
over 3 years ago in AgExpert Field - Mobile 0

Crop Protection Product Application

instead of spray in activity make it CPP Application as some products or broadcast, in furrow, sprayed, etc. Keeps it more general upper levels of reports
almost 4 years ago in AgExpert Field - Web 1 Already exists

Allow users to choose default date settings

Users have expressed a desire to have a setting that lets them choose either current (todays) or last entered date as the default date that appears on new activities.
almost 4 years ago in AgExpert Field - Web 0

Update button for profitability report

Only option is to reset. If you make a change to costs, you have to start over. Would like to be able to update costs from field operations without losing yield estimations.
almost 4 years ago in AgExpert Field - Web 0 Already exists

Set up ownership by LLD to allow for multi-ownership status setup on single field

Just tried adding my first field to AgExpert Field and have found that in the field ownership box I can only specify if the field is owned or rented as a whole, when I have several fields that are both rented and owned. Most are separated by full ...
almost 4 years ago in AgExpert Field - Web 0

make seed bins that remove amount of grain on-hand on the dashboard

make seed bins that remove amount off grain on hand on the dashboard screen, so you don't have to always remember or recalculate how much you need to keep for seed . and sell it by accident right now as a work around i make a contract, so i can se...
about 4 years ago in AgExpert Field - Web 0