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AgExpert Field Ideas
Status Planned
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 29, 2019

Add Target button on mobile device when adding a new scout activity

This way as you walk in the field you can see the pinpoint of  your current location, and if you accidently move the map away from yourself you can hit the target button to quickly bring you back to your current location. Very practical when adding scout activities, allows real-time targeting. Otherwise you are somewhat guessing the location of the scout when you drop a marker.

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Soil Test

Should be able to see GPS location in field when doing a soil test, this way you would be able to come back to same spot in the future, plus need to see were at what location the test was taken in the field, especially if taken multiple tests.
almost 2 years ago in AgExpert Field - Mobile 0 Planned

GPS Location

Need GPS location on mobile ASAP! While Scouting or Soil testing we need to determinate current point where we are located in filed. sure we can add point by touching screen but that is not accurate enough, could be off up to 500 feet.
almost 3 years ago in AgExpert Field - Mobile 0 Planned