Improved Profitability Report - Link to weighted average price derived from contract Screen
Would benefit all users. As Price contracts and bushels sold are entered in Contract screen weighted average price is populated into profitability reporting screen.
Benefit to this could be enhanced by creating the ability to set the date from which the weighted average begins to apply and the date at which the weighted average ends. Basically, the ability to determine a weighted average by crop year. Or does this already exist? Does the weighted average reset when I start a new crop year?
Right now contracts are not assigned to a specific crop year, but this is an enhancement coming soon.
Benefit to this could be enhanced by creating the ability to set the date from which the weighted average begins to apply and the date at which the weighted average ends. Basically, the ability to determine a weighted average by crop year. Or does this already exist? Does the weighted average reset when I start a new crop year?
Hi, contract information and average sale prices are populated into the profitability tab. Thanks!