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AgExpert Field Ideas
Created by Guest
Created on May 9, 2022

Perennial option and new activities for blueberries

A french blueberry producer was very interested in AgExpert Field but they have a few needs that our system does not support yet. The first is the ability to have a perennial crop, the second are new activities: Mowing, crushing, burning and pollination.

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Pouvoir implanté un champs d'une culture vivace

Serait-il possible de pour créer une culture vivace(luzerne) pour une année et arriver dans l'année suivante et que les champs de vivaces soit déjà implanté au lieux de recréer l'action de planter. Cela me cause des problèmes pour calculer mes coû...
4 months ago in AgExpert Field - Web / Fields 1

Choose to have alfalfa be perennial.

We don't seed alfalfa every year, but cut and harvest it multiple times per year with the crop staying for multiple years.
about 5 years ago in AgExpert Field - Web 1