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AgExpert Field Ideas
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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 12, 2023
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit AEAFW-I-592 Allow harvest to include grain and bales.

Add Baling activties Merged

Need to track forage crop activities like hay and green feed baling. We bale alfalfa as well as oats for green feed and it would be nice to be able to track those actives and inputs/harvest


Under equipment cost to be able to set price per bale or Tonne etc not just by the acre

When entering a harvest baling is charged by the bale or tonne not by the acre(currently) each field or cut of hay has more or less bales even though the acres stay constant Trucking would be the same ex $15/tonne now if you enter in the harvest w...
almost 6 years ago in AgExpert Field - Web 1 Shipped