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AgExpert Field Ideas
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Created by Guest
Created on Mar 20, 2018
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit AEAFW-I-24 Have the ability to print off a map showing all our fields..

Map view of farm Merged

The calculated acres along with the lines delineating the cultivated area(s) in a field should appear when we select that field from the list of fields. As it is now, we have to select a field, and then edit that field to access this info.


Field Maps

would be nice to be able to print color coded (by commodity) field maps .
about 1 year ago in AgExpert Field - Web 0 Shipped

Map view of fields

Be nice to be able to select or view fields from a satellite view instead of just a list. Give you a better idea of how your crops and fields are arranged and plan better for logistics of activities
about 3 years ago in AgExpert Field - Web 2 Shipped

Ability to add waypoint to activity or print/share map of entire farm

A user expressed difficulty directing her contractors each year which fields to work on. She has a very large farm and many fields are separated by non-owned farm land. It would be very useful for her if she could plan an activity with a waypoint ...
almost 4 years ago in AgExpert Field - Web 0 Shipped