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AgExpert Field Ideas

Pinned ideas

PINNED Analytics on Field Dashboard
What else would you like to see on the Ag Expert Field Dashboard page? The page currently features Inventory and Contracts panels. Let us know if you would like to see any additional relevant information on the dashboard by leaving a comment below...

AgExpert Field - Web

Showing 209

In the activities bored I would find an "other" category

We use this software for keeping track of field activities throughout the year. We are a sod farm and we perform farm practices to our fields/crop that don't fit into any of the existing categories. Having an "other" selection will allow us to kee...
9 months ago in AgExpert Field - Web / Activities 1 Planned

Adding Micros to fertilzer page some of these are....CU, B, Zn, Mg

It would be nice to see when and if micros were added in the past and present as well as to be able to show this to the landlords who are on cropshare that their land is being looked after. Maybe even a column for custom then we can add our own. S...
about 5 years ago in AgExpert Field - Web 0

Ability to invoice people through spray activity

It would be nice if the field spraying function, for example, tracked costs etc and would allow me to invoice people for the service provided. Same as for any custom work.
9 months ago in AgExpert Field - Web / Activities 0

I'm wondering if there is a way I can export my contracts to a PDF?

I am having trouble finding a way to export my contracts per grain buyer. Thanks in advance for the help!
9 months ago in AgExpert Field - Web / Inventory 1 Already exists

When entering contract delivery dates after entering start date ex. June 1, system should default to end of month for ending delivery date

Most contracts are set for a month of delivery ie. Jan1 - Jan31 or Nov 1 - Nov30 You could still change ending date if it is different
over 2 years ago in AgExpert Field - Web 0

Harvest multiple crops

Need to be able to harvest more than one crop at a time and show a combined yield. - Silage mixtures, hay mixtures, grain intercrop crop mixtures (seperated later)
about 6 years ago in AgExpert Field - Web 2 Already exists

Land allocation report

A customer expressed the need to be able to print or export a list of all their fields with the their legal land description and total acres for X crop year. They will have to go back to FM PRO to get this reported until we have it available. Many...
almost 4 years ago in AgExpert Field - Web 1


It would nice to search for our bins by binyard instead of all of them listed on one page.
almost 5 years ago in AgExpert Field - Web / Inventory 0

Custom blend drop-down menu option for seed inputs

Suggestion from my client When adding or editing a seed input, include an optional drop down menu for to represent custom blends or cover crops. It would be even more practical if a user could have up to 5 blends to choose f...
about 4 years ago in AgExpert Field - Web 0

Add Seed Cleaning activity

AgExpo feedback: Some producers clean their own seed and would like to have an activity for this, and as well be able to report those costs.
almost 6 years ago in AgExpert Field - Web 1 Planned