The Dashboard would be a lot more useful if you could see activity percentages & acres of completion by crop. This would help answer questions such as: Acres of Potatoes left to Hill Percentage of Barley Harvested Percentage of Potatoes Harves...
The ability to copy an activity from one field to another would be nice. Especially one like spraying where there are 5 different chemicals used and field activities for different fields are not entered the same day. I like to enter my field activ...
The ability to split fields within the season. For example, sometimes when we have special contracts, we split the field into two crops or two varieties of the same crop.
This would help manage work flow and production on the farm. It would allow your farm manager to assign field tasks and have the employee expected to complete the work notified as well.
Presently the activities are not sorted at all. A customer requested we either add the ability to custom sort the tiles, or sort them by sequence (i.e, scout, plant, fertlize, spray, ...harvest, bale. Customers do not like it sorted alphabetically.
Customer expressed while the new bale activity is great, it would be more useful to be able to pick "crop" so that we know what made the bales (whether wheat/alfalfa/barley/etc)
The vast majority of phosphorous applied in Western Canada is seed placed, as well as significant amount of potassium. Application methods available in AgExpert Field only includes Banded, Broadcast, Fertigation, Foliar and Side Dressed.
I need Covers and Co inter crop added to the crop and seed list. Full season cover crop is the seed blend. It could be added as an intercrop or cover crop in the "crop" drop down selection. Or possibly as a forage or feed blend