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AgExpert Field Ideas

Pinned ideas

PINNED Analytics on Field Dashboard
What else would you like to see on the Ag Expert Field Dashboard page? The page currently features Inventory and Contracts panels. Let us know if you would like to see any additional relevant information on the dashboard by leaving a comment below...

AgExpert Field - Web

Showing 209

Add the ability to enter straw removal and the amount removed per acre or hectare in the harvest window or create an activity for straw removal

As a farmer who likes to keep track of nutrients removed in a field so as I can track and replace those nutrients the in the years following, it is important to keep track of the fields in which the straw was removed as well as how many bales or t...
over 4 years ago in AgExpert Field - Web / Activities 1 Already exists

Ability to have multiple types of fields

Customer has 3 types of fields: -Organic -Regenerative -Conventional and needs to be able to report activities separely for them, for audit purposes
almost 3 years ago in AgExpert Field - Web 0

Maximum rate allowed for a product

Crop Protection Spray has a default rate. Could we also have a place when setting up inputs to put in maximum rate allowed for a product. Also, could this be tracked? For example: Silencer has a maximum allowance of 100 mls/acre for a field.
over 4 years ago in AgExpert Field - Web 0 Will not implement

Toggle for sorting activities screen

1) Sort by alphabetical 2)Sort by common order/seasonal 3)Sort by last used Thank you!
over 1 year ago in AgExpert Field - Web 0 Will not implement

Add ability to select "Fallow" field

This is needed so we can track crop rotation. Otherwise it looks like we forgot to input information for the fallow field
over 1 year ago in AgExpert Field - Web 0

Ability to automatically record start date and time

If you start a new activity in real time, and when you are finished it press save, notice that the date and time do not automatically update. Can we allow an option to automatically update the finished time when a user hits save?
over 4 years ago in AgExpert Field - Web 0 Already exists

Expose GIS data when exporting reports to allow for integration to GIS based record systems

Field Id to GIS lookups allows for more data connectibility when looking at remote sensing, yield monitoring, etc.
over 1 year ago in AgExpert Field - Web 0 Will not implement

Be able to copy actions that are repeated weekly or daily

In the old Pro Manager you could simply copy an action and add a new date all the detail would remain in the body of the action. For instance Weekly Forklift Inspection simply click on a previous Inspection from the dropdown and hit DUPLICATE and ...
over 1 year ago in AgExpert Field - Web 0 Will not implement

Add activity by just clicking seed / cpp / fertlizer / manure from inputs page

If a user adds new inputs , the page still stays. Instead, the user navigates to Activities page and the add activity. User could just click the + icon next to the input. Upon clicking, the regular flow of choosing fields will appear.
over 4 years ago in AgExpert Field - Web 1 Will not implement

Crop Insurance

It would be beneficial to add crop insurance to each crop vs a land location. It would make entries a lot faster. Crop insurance rates are different for every crop.
over 1 year ago in AgExpert Field - Web 1 Already exists