The ability to copy an activity from one field to another would be nice. Especially one like spraying where there are 5 different chemicals used and field activities for different fields are not entered the same day. I like to enter my field activ...
Presently the activities are not sorted at all. A customer requested we either add the ability to custom sort the tiles, or sort them by sequence (i.e, scout, plant, fertlize, spray, ...harvest, bale. Customers do not like it sorted alphabetically.
The vast majority of phosphorous applied in Western Canada is seed placed, as well as significant amount of potassium. Application methods available in AgExpert Field only includes Banded, Broadcast, Fertigation, Foliar and Side Dressed.
Often you don’t know the exact price of chemicals at the time you pick them up or spray them. If you enter or change the price on the input page after you’ve already reported an activity with that input the price doesn’t adjust on the previous usa...
There is times we add a foliar applied liquid fertilizer with a chemical application. Would be nice to enter those as one activity instead of having to make two entries for same application.
Add the ability to enter straw removal and the amount removed per acre or hectare in the harvest window or create an activity for straw removal
As a farmer who likes to keep track of nutrients removed in a field so as I can track and replace those nutrients the in the years following, it is important to keep track of the fields in which the straw was removed as well as how many bales or t...