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AgExpert Field Ideas


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Ability to add fertilizer to contracts

"On the AgExpert Field app, would there be a way to add fertilizer inputs into contracts? So that it would work similar to a grain contract but instead of delivery date it’s pickup date and the price can be inserted? Thought this might be handy to...
6 days ago in AgExpert Field - Web / Reports 0

On the harvest production report , would be nice to have the average yield at the bottom calculated

You wouldn't have to manually calculate the average yieldD
6 months ago in AgExpert Field - Web / Reports 3

Canada Gap : reports O. and Q. and I. completed with Harvesting, Delivery Datas and Maintenance

A lot of datas in AgExpert could be used to fill the differents Canada Gap reports. For Exemple : O. Transporting Products could be link to inventory and delivery Q. Packing, Repacking, Storing and Brokerage of Market Product. could be link to har...
about 1 month ago in AgExpert Field - Web / Reports 0

Add a harvested date column to crop insurance harvest prod report

Customer stated that it is a requirement from the AFSC when they submit the crop insurance harvest production report that it includes the harvest dates. She has been sourcing this information manually but called in recently and suggested we add it...
4 months ago in AgExpert Field - Web / Reports 0

Reports - Other costs report

I have a customer that requested a report that shows the breakdown of all his other costs (land, rent, property tax, etc). This information is captured is captured in other costs but not actually reported in a broken down format. Thank you!
about 1 month ago in AgExpert Field - Web / Reports 0

H3 Report auto-filling with the required information

Customer would like the H3 report being able to be auto-populating instead of having of manually enter the info.
9 months ago in AgExpert Field - Web / Reports 0

Include date range on stored inventory report

Several customers have requested we include a date range filter in the stored inventory report.
8 months ago in AgExpert Field - Web / Reports 1

Total de récolte par production

Je ne trouve pas comment avoir un rapport des rendements totaux d'une culture dans les rapports. J'ai seulement le rendement par champ.
5 months ago in AgExpert Field - Web / Reports 1 Already exists

Sort seeded acre report by legal

When filling in MASC seeded acreage report online it is entered by quarter. It would speed things up a bit if you could choose to sort the AgExpert report so crops and acres were listed for each legal or quarter. This is mostly helpful where you h...
8 months ago in AgExpert Field - Web / Reports 1 Planned

H1 Chemical Report Auto-Fills with correct spray info

Having the H1 chemical spray report auto-fill with correct info when printing. This is needed for GAP. Would avoid having to enter the info twice, once in the AgExpert program and once on the H1 PDF page (which is time consuming and inefficient)
9 months ago in AgExpert Field - Web / Reports 2 Already exists