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AgExpert Field Ideas
Status Planned
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 12, 2023
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit AEAFW-I-151 Split Fields.

Be able to edit application method for when spraying different blocks of a field on different days. Ex: Foliar 1 Set, Foliar 2nd Set Merged

Useful for those who plant their fields in "blocks" or "sections" to avoid readiness of maturity so that everything is not all ready at the same time. Then there is no rush to harvest everything at once, you have enough workers to do the harvest for that space in between growth. That said, spray is then spaced out for that one field and there is now a need to keep track of that. Ex: Foliar 1st Set/section/block, Foliar 2nd Set/section/block.