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AgExpert Field Ideas

Pinned ideas

PINNED Analytics on Field Dashboard
What else would you like to see on the Ag Expert Field Dashboard page? The page currently features Inventory and Contracts panels. Let us know if you would like to see any additional relevant information on the dashboard by leaving a comment below...
PINNED Analytics on Field Mobile Dashboard
What would you like to see added to a Field Mobile Dashboard? Some ideas that come to mind: Seeding and Harvest Progress Total Inventory by Crop Cost per acre average Planned Activities Like any ideas you see or have your own? Comment below!

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Showing 228 of 228

When adding a delivery against a contract it would be great if we could switch between bushels/tonne/lbs regardless of what the contract is set to.

No description provided
10 months ago in AgExpert Field - Web 5

A place to add GPA/LPA/LPH of water volume sprayed and the pressure the product was sprayed at

This data is just as important as keeping tabs on the weather and the chemicals that were sprayed
7 months ago in AgExpert Field - Mobile / Activities 0

Auto populate the $/ac for herbicide/fungicide entries

Would be handy to have the $/ac auto populate in the field operation entry screen once you enter in 10L jug and $150/jug based on an application rate you enter
3 months ago in AgExpert Field - Mobile / Activities 1

Split Fields

The ability to split fields within the season. For example, sometimes when we have special contracts, we split the field into two crops or two varieties of the same crop.
over 5 years ago in AgExpert Field - Web / Activities 1

Intercropping option

There should be an intercropping option. It is a fairly common practice. There should be the opportunity to put two seed options in at a time. The program is extremely limiting for us without the option for intercropping.
10 months ago in AgExpert Field - Web / Other 1

Have a sales page that shows % sold and average futures and basis price of each commodity.

As i am making contracts through the year i want to know what % sold i am and what my running average price for each commodity is.
about 1 year ago in AgExpert Field - Web 1

add straw income for cereal cultivation in income

No description provided
4 months ago in AgExpert Field - Web 3

Ability to grant share "scout activity only access" & generate a scout report

I had a customer in QC say they hired an agronomist to look at their crops, and wanted to use AgExpert Field to help them with this process. The vision is that the agronimist would have a share invite and only be allowed to do this activity, marki...
10 months ago in AgExpert Field - Web 0

Show all fields on one map with my location.

show all fields on one map with my location on mobile. if an agronomist do scouting, he could plan a route around the whole farm.
almost 3 years ago in AgExpert Field - Mobile 0 Planned

Ability to select multiple fields to add activities

Just like mobile it would be nice to add activity to multiple fields
5 months ago in AgExpert Field - Web / Activities 1 Already exists