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AgExpert Field Ideas

Pinned ideas

PINNED Analytics on Field Dashboard
What else would you like to see on the Ag Expert Field Dashboard page? The page currently features Inventory and Contracts panels. Let us know if you would like to see any additional relevant information on the dashboard by leaving a comment below...
PINNED Analytics on Field Mobile Dashboard
What would you like to see added to a Field Mobile Dashboard? Some ideas that come to mind: Seeding and Harvest Progress Total Inventory by Crop Cost per acre average Planned Activities Like any ideas you see or have your own? Comment below!

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Showing 229 of 229

On the harvest production report , would be nice to have the average yield at the bottom calculated

You wouldn't have to manually calculate the average yieldD
6 months ago in AgExpert Field - Web / Reports 3

Ability to create a crop plan report prior to seeding

An Initial crop plan prior to seeding activity so it can be sent to Agronomist , crop insurance etc. Should include Land location ,acres and crop. Call it Crop plan report .
11 months ago in AgExpert Field - Web 6

Link Accounting Equipment Accounts to Field Equipment

I would love to be able to link my equipment expenses that I track in AgExpert Accounting to my equipment list in AgExpert Field so that I can more easily track my cost of production. Equipment costs tracked in Accounting are needed in Field.
4 months ago in AgExpert Field - Web / Fields 0

Canada Gap : reports O. and Q. and I. completed with Harvesting, Delivery Datas and Maintenance

A lot of datas in AgExpert could be used to fill the differents Canada Gap reports. For Exemple : O. Transporting Products could be link to inventory and delivery Q. Packing, Repacking, Storing and Brokerage of Market Product. could be link to har...
about 1 month ago in AgExpert Field - Web / Reports 0

Add activity

Add ditching or drainage as an activity as wall as a place to attach a job map
2 months ago in AgExpert Field - Web / Activities 0

Ability to show/hide *All* toggle

Presently if you need to show or hide all your fields you need to manually click through your fields one by 1 in the show/hide screen, and having an all button toggle would save users time.
about 1 month ago in AgExpert Field - Web / Fields 0

When adding a delivery against a contract it would be great if we could switch between bushels/tonne/lbs regardless of what the contract is set to.

No description provided
11 months ago in AgExpert Field - Web 5

Basic cattle management component

I have had many customers over the years ask for the ability to track livestock details in AgExpert Field, and after speaking with several customers lately there might still be a gap in the marketplace, and a need for this basic capability. There ...
10 months ago in AgExpert Field - Web / Other 2

Split Fields

The ability to split fields within the season. For example, sometimes when we have special contracts, we split the field into two crops or two varieties of the same crop.
over 5 years ago in AgExpert Field - Web / Activities 1

Add a harvested date column to crop insurance harvest prod report

Customer stated that it is a requirement from the AFSC when they submit the crop insurance harvest production report that it includes the harvest dates. She has been sourcing this information manually but called in recently and suggested we add it...
4 months ago in AgExpert Field - Web / Reports 0