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AgExpert Field Ideas

Pinned ideas

PINNED Analytics on Field Mobile Dashboard
What would you like to see added to a Field Mobile Dashboard? Some ideas that come to mind: Seeding and Harvest Progress Total Inventory by Crop Cost per acre average Planned Activities Like any ideas you see or have your own? Comment below!
PINNED Analytics on Field Dashboard
What else would you like to see on the Ag Expert Field Dashboard page? The page currently features Inventory and Contracts panels. Let us know if you would like to see any additional relevant information on the dashboard by leaving a comment below...

All ideas

Showing 232 of 232

Please add a planned repair activity for equipment.

this would allow operators to schedule maintenance, or at least let everyone know it needs to be done
about 1 month ago in AgExpert Field - Mobile / Activities 0

Add the same crop planning summary $ totals to Year-to-date report

On the Crop Planning feature, there are farm total dollar amounts that indicate gross revenue, total costs, and net revenue. It would be great if these same tiles could be added to the Year-to-date report so that you could easily compare your crop...

Bio solid in the input : biometanisation digestate

In the unput Manure, biometanisation digestate with differents type of.. or simply Biosolids. is missing.
about 1 month ago in AgExpert Field - Web / Fields 0

Customize order of fields in grind and list view

I would love to have the ability to drag and drop re-order my fields in a list view and grid view so I can see fields in an order that I want.
6 months ago in AgExpert Field - Web / Fields 0

A place to add GPA/LPA/LPH of water volume sprayed and the pressure the product was sprayed at

This data is just as important as keeping tabs on the weather and the chemicals that were sprayed
10 months ago in AgExpert Field - Mobile / Activities 0

Add activity

Add ditching or drainage as an activity as wall as a place to attach a job map
4 months ago in AgExpert Field - Web / Activities 0

Split Fields

The ability to split fields within the season. For example, sometimes when we have special contracts, we split the field into two crops or two varieties of the same crop.
almost 6 years ago in AgExpert Field - Web / Activities 1 Planned

Ability to grant share "scout activity only access" & generate a scout report

I had a customer in QC say they hired an agronomist to look at their crops, and wanted to use AgExpert Field to help them with this process. The vision is that the agronimist would have a share invite and only be allowed to do this activity, marki...
about 1 year ago in AgExpert Field - Web 0

Add a harvested date column to crop insurance harvest prod report

Customer stated that it is a requirement from the AFSC when they submit the crop insurance harvest production report that it includes the harvest dates. She has been sourcing this information manually but called in recently and suggested we add it...
6 months ago in AgExpert Field - Web / Reports 0

Ability to show/hide *All* toggle

Presently if you need to show or hide all your fields you need to manually click through your fields one by 1 in the show/hide screen, and having an all button toggle would save users time.
3 months ago in AgExpert Field - Web / Fields 0